Olde English Southdown Babydolls are a rare breed of heritage sheep. Defining characteristics are their wooly teddy bear faces, upturned smiling mouth, and their small size. When full grown they measure 24 inches high at the shoulder or less. While many may consider them “miniature,” this is actually the original size of Southdown sheep dating back many years ago. Today’s sheep have been bred “up” to be quite a bit taller and bigger.
Babydolls make the perfect addition to any farm or acreage. Their small size and extremely docile nature make them easy to handle. Many are used for weed control or to keep grass down in farmyards, orchards, and vineyards. Their wool is considered cashmere grade and the meat is very tender. But most of all, they bring so much joy to everyone they meet.
Babydolls are easy keepers. They need access to hay and/or grass year round as well as sheep minerals. Ensure any feed does not contain copper as it is toxic to sheep. Babydolls will get fat easily so I limit the grain I give them. I use grain to call them in or as a treat from my hand to socialize them. If you are breeding you can also use grain prior to placing the ram with the ewes in order to “flush” them to encourage multiples. Ewe’s should also receive grain during lactation.
These small sheep are quite hardy and can easily withstand Canadian winters. You do need to ensure that they have access to a three sided shelter for them to escape the elements. As long as they can be out of any wind and moisture they can handle the cold temperatures. They will also use these shelters to stay out of the sun and heat during summers. In the summer months I find my flock grazing early mornings and late evenings and they spend most of the day sleeping in the barn during the heat of the day.
You will need to arrange for shearing once a year which is usually done in the spring. Hoof trimming can be done yourself once or twice a year whenever is most convenient for your schedule. Sheep should also receive a yearly vaccination which is typically done in spring and deworming a couple times a year as seasons change. Plan to discuss flock health with your vet for recommendations on best products to use for your area and your particular flock management practices.
Being that these sheep are such a rare breed, the genetic pool is very small. As a breeder, I am committed to breeding sheep for excellent conformation and optimal health while upholding breed standard. I recently imported two rams from an experienced and respected breeder in the United States. I am very excited to be one of the few Babydoll breeders to bring new bloodlines into Canada. The first lambs from these genetics will hit the ground spring of 2022. Bloodlines in my foundation flock of ewes are also diverse. I can offer an unrelated package of lambs for a starter flock. I can also offer an unrelated ram lamb for a future stud ram for your flock.
Ewe lambs - $1000 Ram lambs - $800 Wethers - $400 (Prices are based on standard Canadian Babydoll pricing)
Please email with gender and your preference for a black or white lamb in order to be placed on my 2023 spring lamb waitlist. Lambs will be born starting March 20 and can go as early as 8-10 weeks old. All lambs will be vaccinated, dewormed, tail docked, and CCIA tagged prior to leaving the farm. I can offer registration papers with BSSBA or NABSSAR. My entire flock has been registered with OE in the past however I have chose not to continue with this registry.